The Bounty

The Bounty

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Review - Genuine Australian Lambswool Car Interior Duster

I have always wanted a Lambswool duster, It is so soft! I decided I am going to keep the duster in the house and use it to do my weekly cleaning/dusting. Even the kids wanted to try it.
It is a perfect size to get all my dusting done. It is 16 inches long and 4 inches wide. Weight is 2oz  nice and light.  It easily went around the TV, books on the bookshelf and even my breakable knick knacks. Its almost like it is a dust magnet. This duster is made from 100% Australian lambswool.
After I was done cleaning for the day I took the duster out on the deck and shook it out. I think I will do this until I feel the need to wash it out.
I received this duster at a discount in exchange for my honest review, all opinions are 100% my own.

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