The Bounty

The Bounty

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Review - Eucalyptus Essential Oil 4 OZ

I remember as a kid my grandma always had Eucalyptus in her home. I loved the smell of it and it still reminds me of her. Such a pleasing smell to me.
Since it is that time of the year. Colds, Sniffles, Runny Noses - Yuck and Yuck!
The last few nights I have been using this Eucalyptus oil in my diffuser it is so nice when your not feeling 100%.  I did a little more readying on the uses of this oil here and it is pretty versatile. From cold sores to spot removers.
I really like the fact that the UpNature is 100% pure oil - no junky fillers.
You get a good size bottle that will last plus a nice glass dropper for easy use.
They also offer a %100 risk free purchase
I received this product at a discount for my honest review - All opinions are %100 my own.

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