The Bounty

The Bounty

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Review - Briskbars Vegan Energy Bars

I was given the opportunity to review Briskbars Vegan Energy bars, I am not a Vegan but I am a mother of a toddler, 2 teens who works a full time job and tries to keep the ship a float at home.
So the ENERGY part is what really got me intrigued.

Right on the label I read stronger then a shot of espresso!
I will take that challenge.
I really liked the flavor Dark Chocolate & Coconut. Great combo The texture was nice as well not chalky or hard to eat.
I felt an energy boost after eating 1 bar.  But not to much that
I felt jittery, Just right for me.
These little bars would be perfect before a workout.
I plan on keeping one in my purse in case I need a boost at work.
Disclaimer- I received these bars with a promotional discount
for my honest review all opinions are 100% my own.

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