The Bounty

The Bounty

Monday, October 3, 2016

Petomec - Deshedding Tool For Dogs or Cats

We have 2 cats and a dog at our house. They all have some issue, Stormy as seen in the photo below gets horrible clumps of hair. I learned real quick that scissors are not a good idea.
I also don't want to pay $100 again to have her shaved like a lion - I think she totally agrees with that as well.
A few weeks ago I had a friend over who works at a vet, she said we need a deshedding tool. So when I was given the opportunity to deshedding tool from Petomec I jumped at the chance.
I have used it about 5 times now and I am 100% happy with this tool it is amazing.
Stormy has a low attention span so we have to do the deshedding in sessions.

Very easy to use and very well made.
Both Stormy and I are pleased. We received this tool with a promotional discount in exchange for my honest review.

Stormy in her natural habitat.


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Vinzard - Deluxe Pizza Cutter Wheel - Review

At our house WE LOVE PIZZA. Every time we have pizza I hear mama can you come cut the pizza. The reason is we have a drawer with 3 cutter two cheap plastic rollers and a flimsy metal one that came free with a pizza. I realized how horrible my pizza cutters where when my new Vinzard cutter came fore me to test and review.
First thoughts WOW this bad boy is packed up like a Rolex. It came in a cute box all safe and sound.
Next step cook up a pizza and put it to the test. Nobody had to call out for MAMA cause I wasn't letting anyone use my new pizza cutter first. The Vinzand cut threw that crispy crust like a hot knife threw butter. I am 100% impressed, satisfied and HAPPY! The Vinzand cutter is 3.5" and made very well. It will hold up to your toughest pizza. They also offer a 1 year warranty.
I received this pizza cutter with a promotional discount in exchange for testing and reviewing. I am super happy I did too.
This cutter would make a great gift, toss in a gift card to a local pizza shop and poof instant gift!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Back to school Cool

About half way threw the year last year my teen daughter decided she wanted to start packing her own lunch. I was thrilled no more checks for hot lunch! Plus I could help her make good choices.
She had this captain America lunch bag that has now seen better days. So we upgraded to the Artic Zone Coldlok Expandable Lunch Pack - it's awesome! It expands like a suitcase would with a zipper in the middle. For those days you need a bit more food!
It also has 2 pouches that zip open and shut to slide in ice packs.
My daughter has lunch at 1:00 pm and we leave the house by 6 am her lunch stays nice and cool all day.
Super Happy! I did receive this lunch tot with a promotion discount on exchange for my honest review.
We both are super satisfied.
You can check them out at Bed Bath and Beyond
Click here to check it out

Tea Time

With fall fastly approaching my beverage of choice shifts to hot tea. My favorite is a blend from the mall all loose tea, with big chunks of dried fruits. So the Musings drawstring tea filters (bags) are perfect. The box comes with 100 bags. What a steal! They where super easy to fill and held up perfectly while steeping. I received these filters with a promotion discount in exchange for my honest review.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

BZTZ Watermelon Slicer Cutter Knife & Pineapple Corer Peeler - Review

To me time is more valuable then anything when you work full time and have kids.
I love to cook and feed my kids fresh and healthy items. So the BZTZ watermelon slicer and pineapple corer where a no brainier for me. Long ago I bought a pineapple corer from the home shopping network, I paid a pretty penny for it and loved it but I lost it in our last move.
Comparing the BZTZ to that corer they both worked great and it was a fraction of the price PLUS you also get the watermelon slicer.
Let me tell you what a time saver that gizmo is, and FUN!
I received this set at a discount in exchange for my honest review.  I am impressed with the quality and value of these pieces and it is a huge time saver for me.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Pluot Jam

Friday night I was in bed eating a Pluot from our local grocery store. A Pluot it a hybrid fruit 25% Apricot and 75%plum. Pretty much 100% AMAZING!! I instantly thought I need to make some jam out of these. The taste was amazing so I knew the fruit was at its peak.
So I picked up just over 4 pounds of fruit and gathered my supplies. I used the recipe that was inside my package of sure-jell.

Pluot Jam
4lbs Pluots Finely chopped - No need to peel just pit and chop.
Bring Pluots to a boil with 1/2 cup water. Simmer med-low for 5 minutes.
Measure out exactly 6 cups of cooked fruit return to pot.
Stir in 1 pack sure jell bring to a full rolling boil that does not stop when stirred.
Add 8 cups sugar - return to boil and boil for exactly 1 minute, stirring constantly.
Ladle into prepped jars leaving 1/4 inch head space process in a water bath for 10 minutes.

I ended up with 10 half pints and 1 pint jar.

Easy breezy

Seems like everywhere I turn I see a hammock. My sister said that they even have a name for it "MOCKING"
So when I was given the opportunity to review the Lightweight Hammock by YuEdge I was super excited!
The day it came I had to put it up. First thoughts when they say lightweight they meant it! It comes packed into a pouch with everything you need to set it up. It would easily fit into a backpack when your out on a hike or out camping.
When I unpacked it the pouch it fits into is attached to the hammock so you can put your phone in it as you relax.
I found the perfect spot in my backyard to hand it up. It was super easy and like I said it comes with everything you need but the trees.
I was totally happy with the size and comfort.  I received the XL with straps free in exchange for my honest review. I can honestly say I am the newest member to the "mocking" crew.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Chicken Stock aka Awesome Stock

If you have ever made homemade broth/stock you know what I mean when I say I never want store bought AGAIN! I do it for a handful of reasons
#1 Saving money
#2 I know what I am eating
#3 Tastes so much better then boxed stuff.
Usually I will make a big batch of stock use what I need and freeze the rest. But now that I have my pressure canner I can process my broth to be shelf stable. AWESOME!
I always use my rotisserie chicken carcass when I make my stock. 75% of the time if a recipe calls for chicken I use rotisserie chickens for it. If I don't need stock or have time to make it I will toss the carcass in the freezer until I am ready, I do this with veggie scraps too.
When I am ready to make up a batch I pull everything together.
Here is what I did yesterday to make this golden yummy stock.

Homemade Chicken Stock
Makes 6 Quarts
2 Rotisserie chicken carcasses
7 Quarts water
Veggies to taste
Celery I cut the top 2 inches of 1 bunch
1 onion cut into chunks - I don't even peel it
4 carrots chopped
 Season to taste

Bring everything to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for 5-7 hours.
Strain stock using a fine colander or cheesecloth. If you want a less fatty broth you can let this cool and skim off the fat. If you do this bring your broth back to a boil before filling your jars.
Pour hot stock into hot jars leaving 1 inch of head space. Wipe down rims and place your lids and rings on.
Process adjusting to your altitude
Pints - process for 20 minutes,
Quarts - process for 25 minutes

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A first for me - Pressure Canning

I have decided to step up my canning game and try the big guns - PRESSURE CANNING!
I was seeing a ton of recipes I wanted to try that required pressure canning. Broth, Sauces, Meats, Veggies ... I could go on for days.
After watching a YouTube video from Linda's Pantry on making enchilada sauce I was ready to take the plunge. I picked up the Ball canning book she referenced on Amazon. I also ran to Wal-Mart to pick up a pressure canner I paid just over $60 for The Presto 16 Quart aluminum canner.

I LOVE this book! So many ideas - totally different then the other ball blue book.
Check it out on Amazon

I already have a bunch of recipes flagged.

OK back to the sauce....

I did follow Lindas advise in her video and instead of using the poaching liquid on the peppers I used 1 bottle of Mexican beer. We are not beer drinkers so I am glad my store sold single beers. Other then that I did add 1 extra can of diced tomatoes and 4 chili peppers that where in adobo sauce.

The sauce was a breeze to make. I ended up with 7 pints total.
I have to admit I was very nervous using the pressure canner for the first time. I read my instruction manual about 8 times to make sure I did everything right. Everything turned out GREAT! The kitchen did not blow up, my jars sealed and I now have a bit more confidence to try my next recipe.

I only needed 1 bag a peppers for this recipe.

My canning wish-list  /  To-do list 
-Sloppy Joe Starter
-Bone Broth
-BBQ Pulled Pork
-End of Summer Pasta Sauce
(this should keep me busy)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

It's hard to wait....

I think the hardest thing about my canning adventure is waiting....Most recipes require a month or so to develop flavors. I made my zucchini bread and butter pickles on 7/30 and I could not wait any longer. They could use a few more weeks to fully develop. But they where still amazing!
I will definitely be making more before the zucchini season is over.
Recipe was found on Pintrest

I used a mix of green and yellow zucchini and sliced them with my handy mandolin.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Canning one Sunday at a Time

I decided that 2016 will be my year to learn to can or re-learn to can. My action plan was/is to start small. Try to can something every other Sunday. About 10 years ago my grandma gave me a recipe for Zucchini bread and butter pickles. I made them back then and never canned again no real reason I just didn't.
But with our new home and my desire to save money and be more self sufficient and have a better feel for what we eat - NOW is the time!

Here is what I have made so far -

  • 6 Jars of Bread & Butter Zucchini Pickles - Recipe Pintrest 
  • 3 Jars of Cowboy Candy (Pickled sweet Jalapenos) - Pintrest
  • 4 Jars of Indian Spiced Veggies - Pintrest
  • 6 Jars of Rhubarb Orange Jam - 2016 Ball Blue Book 
  • 6 Jars of grape Jelly - 2016 Ball Blue Book - 3 year old APPROVED!
  • 3 Jars Bread and Butter Zucchini Relish - 2016 Ball Blue Book
  • 3 Jars Jalapeno pickle relish - Mrs Wages Kit 
  • 3 Jars of spicy carrots - PINTREST FAIL!! These went in the trash they did not tun out.

I just love going downstairs and looking at my shelf of jars, so colorful and they give me a sense of comfort. Not everything is in the above picture I made 2 types of relish since the photo was taken.

Just look at the color of this relish! I can't wait to dig in.
The best part of it was the Zucchini & Onion was free from my sister and I grew the peppers in my container garden.

I have a few more items I want to get done yet this year.
Cranberry Sauce, More Jams and Jellies, BBQ sauce.....
Oh I could go on and on.

My lifeline in all of this is the Ball Blue Book. Basically everything you need to start. Well except the supplies and ingredients.

Click here to see the Ball Blue Book on Amazon

Zucchini Bread & Butter Pickles

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Keep it clean!

Over memorial day weekend we decided it was time to trade in our Elantra for something bigger. Once we picked out our new car I had to clean out my car. Holy cow I was embarrassed at how filthy my car was. So I have decided my new ride will be different. I have been really good with taking all the trash out every-time I get out. Amazing how much trash you can create just on a ride to work.
I was given the opportunity to test and review the AutoZic car and home microfiber dusters at the perfect time!
It is a 2 piece set with one Jumbo duster and a smaller hand held duster.
I used the small one in the car today and it worked amazing! I plan on leaving it in the car. The larger one I plan on using in my home.
AutoZiv offers a 30 Warranty plenty of time to test.
Overall I am very impressed with my new dusters. They would make a great gift.
I received these dusters with a promotional discount in exchange for my honest review all opinions are 100% my own.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Chirp Chirp goes the chickadee

I was recently provided a Audubon II Black-capped Chickadee Stuffed animal from Wild Republic for testing and review. I received a 5" stuffed Chickadee who makes the most realistic chirp. The chirp comes from the Cornell lab of Ornithology's wildlife recordings. So you know its the REAL deal.
In addition to the Chickadee I received lots of informative papers and a flash drive with more information.
Overall I am super impressed with my new friend and I am already planning on picking him up a few buddies.
Wild Republic has many birds and other educational items at a very reasonable cost.
The birds and other items would be perfect for teachers, home school , and bird lovers!
I received this item with a promotional discount in exchange for my honest review all opinions are 100% my own


Monday, June 13, 2016

Light up my deck

I was recently given the opportunity to review the patio umbrella light by - . My first thoughts where WoW this is super easy to install. Pretty much open up, pop in 4 AA batteries (not included) and clamp it on the the umbrella pole. The hardest part was waiting for the sun to set so I could see how great it worked. Overall I am impressed and happy with this LED light.
I received this item in exchange for testing and review all opinions are my own.

Light up my deck

I was recently given the opportunity to review the patio umbrella LED light by Volare-HK. My first impressions are holy cow it is easy to install. Pretty much open it up, pop in 4 AA batteries (not included) and clamp it up. Boom done - hardest part is waiting for the sun to set. This light has 3 modes. And is adjustable for different size poles. I received this item in exchange for my honest review.
Click here to go to Amazon

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Easy@Home Digital Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor with Heart Beat / Pulse Meter Function

Recently my partner was told his blood pressure was high so in addition to research I decided it would be nice to get a monitor at home.
The Easy@Home was a great choice. Super easy to use.
Very detailed instructions that you dont need a degree to understand.
MOST importantly accurate. We brought it with to a DR appointment and compared.
Overall I am very impressed and pleased with my purchase.
We received
this item with a promotional discount in exchange for an honest review.


WonderEsque Spiralizer Tri Blade - Review

I am so glad I decided to upgrade to the WonderEsgue. Super easy to use! In the past I was using a hand held peeler style and it took forever. My favorite dish to make is Zoodles - Zuchinni Noodles. So east and fast plus major health benefits. I love the suction cup feature makes it super easy to use with out it sliding all over. My only con is its not dishwasher safe..... But hey I will burn a few more calories washing it up so I can live with that. I received this item with a promotional discount in exchange for my honest review all opinions are 100% my own.


Window Bird Feeder by Kanaryware - Review

I was offered to review this Window Feeder from Kanaryware and I am so glad I did! I love it and so do the birds.
It was super easy to put up, it goes on with 2 suction cups. I wet the back of them slightly and stuck it on my bedroom window.
It has not budged and I have had many birds and a few storms.
This feeder is made with high quality acrylic I can tell it will last me for some time.
Overall I am very impressed and will definitively look at other items from Kanaryware.
I received this feeder with a promotional discount in exchange for my honest review, All opinions are 100% my own.
