The Bounty

The Bounty

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Canning one Sunday at a Time

I decided that 2016 will be my year to learn to can or re-learn to can. My action plan was/is to start small. Try to can something every other Sunday. About 10 years ago my grandma gave me a recipe for Zucchini bread and butter pickles. I made them back then and never canned again no real reason I just didn't.
But with our new home and my desire to save money and be more self sufficient and have a better feel for what we eat - NOW is the time!

Here is what I have made so far -

  • 6 Jars of Bread & Butter Zucchini Pickles - Recipe Pintrest 
  • 3 Jars of Cowboy Candy (Pickled sweet Jalapenos) - Pintrest
  • 4 Jars of Indian Spiced Veggies - Pintrest
  • 6 Jars of Rhubarb Orange Jam - 2016 Ball Blue Book 
  • 6 Jars of grape Jelly - 2016 Ball Blue Book - 3 year old APPROVED!
  • 3 Jars Bread and Butter Zucchini Relish - 2016 Ball Blue Book
  • 3 Jars Jalapeno pickle relish - Mrs Wages Kit 
  • 3 Jars of spicy carrots - PINTREST FAIL!! These went in the trash they did not tun out.

I just love going downstairs and looking at my shelf of jars, so colorful and they give me a sense of comfort. Not everything is in the above picture I made 2 types of relish since the photo was taken.

Just look at the color of this relish! I can't wait to dig in.
The best part of it was the Zucchini & Onion was free from my sister and I grew the peppers in my container garden.

I have a few more items I want to get done yet this year.
Cranberry Sauce, More Jams and Jellies, BBQ sauce.....
Oh I could go on and on.

My lifeline in all of this is the Ball Blue Book. Basically everything you need to start. Well except the supplies and ingredients.

Click here to see the Ball Blue Book on Amazon

Zucchini Bread & Butter Pickles

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